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Erowid Center Contributors - 2022
[2025]  [2024]  [2023]  [2022]  [2021]  [2020]  [2019]  [2018]  [2017]  [2016]  [2015]  [2014
[2013]  [2012]  [2011]  [2010]  [2009]  [2008]  [2007]  [2006]  [2005]  [2004]  [2003]  [2002]  [2001
[2000]  [1999]  [1998
Erowid Center is supported through individual contributions and small foundation grants. Following
is a list of Erowid's major contributors in 2022. Special thanks to these individuals for their
incredibly valuable support, without which Erowid would not be possible.

[Only contributors who choose to be are included in the public contributors list]

Ally ($25,000+)
Porta Sophia
2 Anonymous
Patron ($10,000-$24,999)
Max America Trust
2 Anonymous
Benefactor ($5,000-$9,999)
Brian Behlendorf
Ramez Nam
3 Anonymous
Visionary ($1,000-$4,999)
Tom Challenger
Stuart A. Kurtz
Christa Lund
Michael Macofsky
In Memory of Charles Phillips
14 Anonymous
Sponsor ($500-$995)
Joseph Andrade
Richard A. Berkley
Mark Cohen
Mack Fuhrer
Roland Griffiths
R.P.M. Hart
Sunshine Kesey
Mark McCloud
Payam Panbechi OG
Derrell Piper
Kristi Panik & David Presti
J. Gregory Roberts
Lorca Rossman
Will Sharpless
Cavan T. Smith
22 Anonymous
Fellow ($250-$499)
Nicholas V. Cozzi PhD
Johnny Dwork
Reine Dyrstad
David Egert
Neal M. Goldsmith PhD
Robert Jesse
Eckhard K.
Brent Leatherman
D. Lewin
Elijah Miller
Jim Mooney
Paul Mueller
Darrin Smith
Mark Smith
Yannis T.
Transform Press
Francesca Urijoe
Marc S. Walter
White Buffalo Trading Co
Philip E. Wolfson MD
K. Woodhouse
36 Anonymous
Supporter ($150-$249)
Edvin Aghanian
Joe Bamberg
Simon Brandt
Philip Clark
Troy Cobb
Sky Cosby
Daniel Fisher
Michael Gentile
Michael Grubaugh
Erica E. Gyurin
Han and Dan Hogan-Rigg
Michael Horn
Jonathan Landry
James M. Larson
Arye Lipman
Alvis Ly
Daniel Mensing
Steve fnord Michaud
Austin Millan
Jane Elizabeth Miloradovich
Cody Moniz
Ethan Nadelmann
Adam D. Rudner
Lawrence Smith
Conrad Sproul
Tomi Streiff& Jane Hallisey
Michael Taft
R. Tan
Beatrice W.
Gregory Wells
Aaron Wynn
Aaron Ximm
Eric Zagaroli
92 Anonymous
Friend ($30-$149)
924 Anonymous
Other Contributors