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Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Erowid Center Contributors - 2013
[2025]  [2024]  [2023]  [2022]  [2021]  [2020]  [2019]  [2018]  [2017]  [2016]  [2015]  [2014
[2013]  [2012]  [2011]  [2010]  [2009]  [2008]  [2007]  [2006]  [2005]  [2004]  [2003]  [2002]  [2001
[2000]  [1999]  [1998
Erowid Center is supported through individual contributions and small foundation grants. Following
is a list of Erowid's major contributors in 2013. Special thanks to these individuals for their
incredibly valuable support, without which Erowid would not be possible.

[Only contributors who choose to be are included in the public contributors list]

Ally ($25,000+)
0 Anonymous
Patron ($10,000-$24,999)
Matt Bowden
Mr. & Mrs. René & Susan Ruiz
2 Anonymous
Benefactor ($5,000-$9,999)
Elliott Eriksen
Katherine Rochlin
1 Anonymous
Visionary ($1,000-$4,999)
CA Foundation for the Advancement of the Electronic Arts
Steve Chapman
John Gilmore / The Entheogen Fund
Nathan Herring & Miller Sherling
The Star Trust
Sinbad Vine
13 Anonymous
Sponsor ($500-$995)
Tom Challenger
James Fadiman
Bill Freimuth
Darrell Piper
Derek Snider
The Happy Herb Company
The Happy Herb Shop Darwin
22 Anonymous
Fellow ($250-$499)
Dana Austin
Jan Blackstone
April Ferguson
Gantt Galloway
P. Georgi
Herbert Görtz
Happy High Herbs Nimbin
Francesco Isolani MD
Robert Jesse
Mark David Johansen
Joel Lezana
Dr. Olaf Lichtenberger
Steven Maurer
Benjamin O'Connor
David Presti & Kristi Panik
Lorca Rossman MD
M. Rust
Dr. Cody Strange
Rev. Connie Swan
Reid Tice
Case van Rij
Guillaume Weber & Claudia Desmarais
46 Anonymous
Supporter ($125-$249)
Jerome Beck
Simon Boerboom
Nick Bomalaski
Stephen Bright
Derek Calder
Rosa L. Carson
Mortal Chang
Kenneth L. Clifton
Tony Cohen, MD
Pat Condron
Victor A. D'Amico
Patrick Dare
Andre Drommershausen
Vincent Dubois
R.D. Ebanks
David Egert
Phillip Drake Ferguson
Dr. S. Ferguson
Joseph Fish
The Futique Trust
George Greer & Requa Tolbert
Baylen Greever
Neil Hansford
Dirk Hanson
Happy High Herbs Nimbin
Thomas Hobbes
Rev. Justin Huber
Alissa Huskey
Kai Ivanoff
Daryl Jewell
Kenneth Johnson
Adam Kahn
John B. Kehl
Jonathan Land
Arnold Layne
Brent Leatherman
Carla Lilley
Mark Lorentzen
The Lycaeum Forums
Justin Machat
Mark Maddison
Chris Mays
John Mendelson
Eric Moore
Andrew Murphy
Andrew J. Nicholls
Tyler Overs
Lex Pelger
Dale & Laura Pendell
Tom Rathborne
Hank Reddick
Joel Reuter
William Richards
Deborah Robbins
Doug Robinson
Michelle Root
Benjamin Hamilton Scott
Ian Strouse
In Memory of Takoda
Henrik Thiesen
Angakok Thoth
Gene Tinelli, MD
Andres Vega
Jared Weston
John Westover
Ivan Zhyvolup
144 Anonymous
Friend ($75-$124)
E.H. Allen
Devan Anthony
Austin Arnold
Susan M. Bean
Michael T. Buchan
Tom Bueters
Steven Buswell
Benjamin James Byron
Elspeth Cameron
Jeremie Camirand-Chapleau
Jacopo Cheda
Kester Clark
Chelsea Cluett
Kenneth L. Clifton
Carlos Ernesto Cortés
Peter Dannemann
Dale Spencer Doss
Mark Dutzi
Bhutan Fox
Fresh Observations
Chris Fluke
Dustin Gaunt
Michael Grubaugh
Jallin Habbei
Hermetech Mastering
Robert Hirbernik
Julie Holland, MD
Michael Reid Hunter
Andrew Huntley
Inertco, TesseractDynamic & HoySot Assoc.
Ilsa Jerome
Phyzzko King
Derek Lockard
Owen Mann
Hermetech Mastering
Dutch McMaster
Richard J. Miller
Juan Molinari
Cody Moniz
Dennis Moran
Nicholas J. Mustric
Ramez Naam
Dan Natale
Grant Nayduk
Nathan Duc Nguyen
Jacob Penney
Eric Peterson
Vince Polito
Dr. R.J. Reda
The Redwall House
Johannes Renner
Marc Rouleau
Will Sharp
Michael Silver
The Singh Family
Joshua Skelton
Nathan Spencer
Suzanne Spurr
Eric E. Sterling
Dr. Cody Strange
Dominic Tang
Brett Taylor
Warren Taylor
Michael Thompson
Geoffrey Tolle
Christian Vögeli
William Wallin
Jonathan Winter
Michael Womble
185 Anonymous