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Your old books will find a good home in our library or for a supporter. [details]
Erowid Center Contributors - 2012
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[2000]  [1999]  [1998
Erowid Center is supported through individual contributions and small foundation grants. Following
is a list of Erowid's major contributors in 2012. Special thanks to these individuals for their
incredibly valuable support, without which Erowid would not be possible.

[Only contributors who choose to be are included in the public contributors list]

Ally ($25,000+)
In Memory of Ashawna Hailey
0 Anonymous
Patron ($10,000-$24,999)
Mr. & Mrs. René & Susan Ruiz
2 Anonymous
Benefactor ($5,000-$9,999)
5 Anonymous
Visionary ($1,000-$4,999)
John Gilmore / The Entheogen Fund
Doug Mackall
7 Anonymous
Sponsor ($500-$995)
Andre Drommershausen
John Kellner
Derrell Piper
Marc Rouleau
Derek Snider
Case van Rij
9 Anonymous
Fellow ($250-$499)
Bennett C.
Stephen Campbell
Jordi Heguilor
Mark David Johansen
Raymond Karlsen
T. Lazenby
Mark Maddison
Mr. McCabe
Dr. Richard Louis Miller
Benjamin J. Ponzer
David Presti and Kristi Panik
Christopher Quirk
Max Talan
Adam Twersky
Simon Walters
Guillaume Weber & Claudia Desmarais
Gary Wilson
32 Anonymous
Supporter ($125-$249)
Dr. Peter Barton
Greg Brown
Matiss Berger
Simon Brandt
Greg Brown
Timothy Cavender
Kenneth L. Clifton
Danny Crosby
Ralph Davies
D.R. Davis
Karl De Ruyck
Reine Dyrstad
David Egert
Bill Freimuth
Herbert Görtz
George Greer & Requa Tolbert
Liam Guilfoyle
F. P. Harrison
Dirk Hanson
Julie Holland, MD
Justin D. Huber
Alyce Jarred
Espen Jensen
Daryl Jewell
Brent Leatherman
Bjorn Lofman
A.J. Lucero
Gary Mack
Jeffrey L. Mease
Robert Moss
Jennifer Myrick
Mickael Bergeron Néron
Benjamin O'Connor
M. Orr
Mark Pulver
Richard Racette, DDS
Tom Rathborne
Ralph Reda
Hayden Reynolds
Jeff Rodriuez
Jed Salminen
David Schwarz
Alexander Selador
Maksim Shchekotoruv
Dr. Suzanne Spurr, PharmD
Rev. Connie Swan
Gene Tinelli, MD
Steve Townsend
United Vegetable Church, Inc
Joe Weisman
Deryk Wenaus
105 Anonymous
Friend ($75-$124)
Justin Aarestad
Frank Alongi
Merry Armstrong
Jesse E. Arnold
Delaney Brightman
Peter Brouwer
Michael T. Buchan
Christopher Choi
Shaheer Choudhury
Gadi Cohen
Carlos Ernesto Cortés
Mike Crowley
David Dansky
Francisco das Chagas Alves Filho
Jack Davis
Thomas Denhardt
Ali Tevfic Doðancý
Entheogenesis Australis
Peggy Fidelman
Seth Foster
Edward Gibney
Newl M. Goldsmith, PhD
Sarah Goodfellow
Joshua Benjamin Haab
Bjorn Hamberger
Brian Harris
Nico Hoffman
Yoan Houde
Alissa Huskey
Gage Ibbott-Cordi
Arian Jalali
Colin James
Jamo Jameson
Ilsa Jerome
Sunshine Kesey
Ken King
Alex Koch
Janna Kovac
Ad Kox
Christophe Lachance
Brendan Lane
Carla Lilley
Steve Lux
Owen Mann
Rachel McConnell
John Mendelson
Nathan Messer & Carrie Sellar
Zak McKinley
Maeve Metzger
Brandon Navarrete
Gaelen Nelson
Jack Nguy
Ioannis Ntzamilis
Tyler Overs
Lance Parker
Lex Pelger
Brian Phillips
Mark Pulver
Oleg Reznikov
William Richards
Paavo Sallinen
Hope Sanford
Joe Sap
Michael Silver
Marius Simonsen
Nicole Sletterink
Lawrence Smith
Jennifer Swanson
Sierra Sweet
Lawrence Towner
MacRae Vallery
Valeria Volpato
Brian Wallace
A. Wight
Mango Wallaby-Johnson
Martin Williams
Junio XofEden
Matthew S. Yodhes
203 Anonymous