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Erowid Center Contributors - 2011
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Erowid Center is supported through individual contributions and small foundation grants. Following
is a list of Erowid's major contributors in 2011. Special thanks to these individuals for their
incredibly valuable support, without which Erowid would not be possible.

[Only contributors who choose to be are included in the public contributors list]

Founding Ally ($25,000+)
Shawn Hailey
0 Anonymous
Patron ($10,000-$24,999)
Mr. & Mrs. René & Susan Ruiz
0 Anonymous
Benefactor ($5,000-$9,999)
2 Anonymous
Visionary ($1,000-$4,999)
John Gilmore / The Entheogen Fund
Ramez Naam
Max Talan
Richard M. Wolfe
10 Anonymous
Sponsor ($500-$995)
M.L. Cohen
Cody Freese
Lloyd Kimber
Rachel McConnell
Derek Snider
13 Anonymous
Fellow ($250-$499)
Breaking Convention 2011
Paul Dale
G. Frangipane
Jordi Heguilor
Ray Hogenson
Jeff Kornelius
Rev. Susan Lincoln
Dr. Richard Louis Miller
Brooke Oklatner
David E. Presti
Simon Moon
Connie Swan
Simon Walters
Guillaume Weber & Claudia Desmarais
Torsten Wiedemann
26 Anonymous
Supporter ($125-$249)
Crew 2000 Scotland
S. Beardslee
Peter Brouwer
Michael Buchan
F. Cassidy
Reine Dyrstad
David Edwards
David Egert
Conor Fingleton
George Greer & Requa Tolbert
Michael Grynick
Jay Hall
Kody Hedger
Jeroen Hermans
Nathan Herring & Miller Shurman
Rev. Justin D. Huber
Daniel Jabbour
Dr. Mark David Johansen, DD, PhD
Tyler Jolie
Howard Kornfeld
B. Krueger
Sandy Maguire
Dennis J. McKenna
Jeffrey L. Mease
John Mendelson
Louis F. Mignacca
Richard J. Miller
Paul Mueller
Ryan Naumenko
Ioannis Ntzamilis
Anthony Patterson
Christopher Quirk
Richard Racette, DDS
Tom Rathborne
Danny Rose
Lorca Rossman
Richard Seglenieks
Beverly Sobelman
Jay Stamps
Christian Svensson
Alison Terry
Trevor J. Thomas
Gene Tinelli
Maël van der Vliet
Neil van Niekerk
R. F. Volp
Joe Weisman
Gnostic Labs
Josh Wothing
Casey Yee
Daniel Zuhlke
108 Anonymous
Friend ($75-$124)
J. T. Abney
Shilah Allen
Simon Appleby
Joshua Bell
Adon Bender
Luke Bland
Timothy Cavender
Brett Clarke
Richard Clofine, D.O.
Gadi Cohen
David Dansky
Michael Fratkin
Christopher Gill
Scott Gottwald
Ryan Harlow
Eric Hawes
Torfjan Henden
Ronald Henson
Sean Hoffman
James Hollomon
Your Friends @ Inertco
Joel Johnson
Alex Karelin
Craig Keeble
John Kehl
Paul Kellogg
Rory Knapp-Fisher
Tamas R. Koradis
Brent Leatherman
Jedidiah Lundeen
Rodrigo Marchan
Nathan Messer & Carrie Sellar
Matt Millar
Paul Molinari
Troy Murdock
Lit Mustapha
D. & V. O'Neill
Edo Polidori
Mark Pulver
Tim Ryan
Patricia Savant
Boris Scherbakov
Patricia Scheu
Remington Stever
Barak Taylor
Jonathan Taylor
Jan-Albert van den Berg
David Walter
Angie Wood
William Work
135 Anonymous